Caast will perform calls to different sub domains. Those domains are:
- https://cdn.caast.tv
- https://api.caast.tv
- https://cache.caast.tv
- wss://ws.caast.tv
- https://mux.com
If your website is using Content-Security-Policy you may want to add the following rules in order to allow Caast to properly work:
script-src https://caast.tv https://*.caast.tv;
img-src https://*.caast.tv;
media-src https://*.mux.com https://*.caast.tv blob:;
connect-src https://caast.tv https://*.caast.tv wss://*.caast.tv https://*.mux.com;
child-src https://caast.tv https://*.caast.tv;
frame-src https://caast.tv https://*.caast.tv;
Caast can also rely on Youtube to distribute lives and replays, Youtube use the following domains:
- https://i.ytimg.com
- https://www.youtube-nocookie.com
- https://www.youtube.com
- https://*.youtube.com
If you are using Content-Security-Policy you may want to add the following rules in order to allow Caast to properly work:
img-src https://i.ytimg.com;
frame-src https://www.youtube-nocookie.com https://www.youtube.com https://*.youtube.com;