📄️ Listen to Caast Events
If you want to implement custom analytics or override some Caast behaviour, you may want to start listening to our emitted events. Caast emits a lots of useful events that you may use, the complete list of events is available here.
📄️ Link Caast to a tracking solution
As we said, There is no place like home, and you may want to retrieve inject some Caast events into your own data solution.
📄️ Use your own Cart methods
Cart flow can be sometimes pretty complicated. Caast provide an easy way to mimic your add to cart functionnality without the need of custom development but sometimes, we simply cannot execute this action.
📄️ Track audience of Caast Shorts
Shorts Card or Shorts Story is a great way to promote products and offers on your website. In order to measure the impact, you may want to implement your own tracking of the collection audience